Accident Investigation Course
Course details:
When things go wrong you need to know what to do, and how to learn from them. This accident investigation course helps to ensure that an accident is investigated thoroughly and the correct corrective actions are identified.
It is very important that the root cause of accidents and incidents is determined as well as the immediate and underlying causes.
Other reasons for investigating accidents include collecting the required information for notifying authorities, insurance purposes and determining the cost of an accident.
Course aim:
- why accidents and incidents need to be investigated
- how accidents and incidents happen
- how to carry out an investigation.
Course content:
- why investigate accidents and incidents?
- what is an incident?
- what is an accident?
- reasons for investigating incidents and accidents
- benefits of investigations
- how do incidents and accidents happen?
- immediate, underlying and root causes
- worked example
- causal tree
- how do you carry out an investigation?
Who is this course aimed at?:
Team leaders, supervisors, Managers who are involved in the investigation of accidents in the workplace.
Delegate assessment:
Accident investigation DVD and exercise.
Four hours.
No. of delegates:
12 maximum per course.
Certificate to each delegate valid for three years.